Thoughtful Design for Complex Challenges.

Concept to Creation
We believe the success of any project begins with deep knowledge and understanding of the problem at hand. In this stage, our goal is to collect information via primary and secondary research to inform our decision-making process. Based on the findings, we form a cohesive set of criteria to measure value throughout development.
While this phase of development is about capturing and exploring ideas, our experience in cross-industry manufacturing helps inform our approach and avoid common pitfalls. Our ambition is to evaluate an array of possibilities using fast-paced, low-fidelity expressions of the concepts. Through this rapid visualization, we capture these essential insights and shape our strategy.
Our facility is dedicated to creating physical prototypes that bring our rapid iteration philosophy to life. We apply this methodology to each of our projects, whether we are redesigning an existing product, working with new material integration, or creating an entirely new manufacturing method.
Even with the simplest product, tuning the details creates a balanced design that considers the needs of the user, the brand, and the manufacturers. Our experience working with manufacturers across industries allows us to design with production in mind. Through our entire creative process, we will work with you to identify the right manufacturing partners and leverage our supplier network to make your product ready for scalable production.

We drive innovation and bring far-out ideas to life.
Designing soft products is more than swatch selection. We bring an advanced knowledge of textile design and engineering that when leveraged with their practical knowledge of soft-goods manufacturing methods allows for high performance product design that also happens to bend, flex, and stretch.
Apparel & Footwear
Soft Robotics
Medical Devices
Wearable Electronics
Engineered Textiles
Strain & Stress Mitigation
Most products today either have integrated electronics, or use electronic sensors and feedback in their construction. Our approach of rapid iteration is enabled by our ability to create functional electronic prototypes. We then put these prototypes into the world with consumers to gain insight on how to better use connected technology.
Augmented Experiences
Electronic Assembly
Motion Characterization
Control Systems
Firmware Development
PCB Design
Physical Computing
Every additive or subtractive method of creating rigid components comes with its own set of rules. Understanding the rules as well as the processes and materials that define those rules, gives us the ability to create a balance between form and function. Our experience in collaboration with materials suppliers and manufacturers allows us to hack these rules to create new techniques that drive innovation.
Rigid Component Design
Injection Molding
3D Printing
Casting & Molding
Welding & Fabrication
Laser Cutting